Sunday, September 8, 2013

thousands of miles away

To anyone who thinks that it's easy moving thousands of miles away from everyone that you love and loves you in return, could not be more wrong. My family and closest friends mean absolutely the world to me. They've kept me grounded (in more than one way) for as long as I can remember. I miss them terribely. My mom only left me here yesterday to be here by myself, however it's felt much longer. Life will change for me so much over these next few months without them by my side. My family is my life. Even though my siblings and I never quite got along, I miss them more than they will ever know. I recently received a video from my family all saying, "I love you and miss you" and it really got to me. I will never be able to repay what my family has done for me.

I also miss my friends terribly. It makes me sad I didn't hang out with people more often. I really wanted to get to know people a lot better, unfortunately I never had that opportunity. To my friends that I had the opportunity to get to know better this year, I really am blessed to have them in my life. All my boys (Farah, McNall, Quezada, Willes, and Sorensen) it's weird not seeing at least one of you everyday. I just basically miss all my friends. Thanks for being there for me, and just become I'm across an ocean doesn't mean we can't still converse. Feel free to call, text, or Facetime if you ever have a problem, I'm still there for everyone.

Update on college: I'm all moved into my dorm, however, I still am decorating, I will upload a picture once I am finished. I think my roommate is warming up to me a bit now. We went to church together today, even though she gave me and my mother the cold shoulder the first several days. We are making progress though. I'm just trying to be as nice as possible without being rude. It's a Pitch Perfect doppleganger, I swear. The dorms are hot as hot can be. No AC and the humidity is killer. I don't know what I would do without my fan blowing on me where ever I am in my room. I hope I get used to it just as these locals do. It's a work in progress as well.

My mother and I by China-man's Hat before she left (last picture together) 

My father and I at the airport right before my flight to Hawaii (last picture together)

I wake up and my baby brother Carson hugs me and we both cry. One of my hardest goodbyes.

 my little brothers and I right before they had to be off to school. As you can tell, Carson is the only one who is crying, the twins just figure I'll be back, hahahaha.

 I don't think anyone will understand the significance of this photo. This is the first time that all of us were in the same room together (besides for church) for as long as I can recall. It was a special moment for me. I miss these girls more than they'll ever know. 

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