Monday, September 9, 2013

first day of class

today was my first day going to class as an actual college student. being one who is attending a BYU, you can understand why I was a little bit nervous. I only had two classes today, and the Professors (also known as Brothers and Sisters) seemed very nice. They made it far more comforting that it won't be as hard as I thought it was going to be. My first class was at 11, however, my darling roommate decided she wanted to blowdry her hair at 7 in the morning. Seriously? I'm asleep in here you know too? It's going to be a long few months. In between my two classes I had the chance to FaceTime my mom and my 3 little brothers whom I miss dearly. Leaving them was one of the hardest things I've ever done. So I'm glad everyone is doing alright!

Also, this morning, I got several emails from missionaries since I decided to write them as of last night. It was so good to hear from my cousin Mitch, and from a few others. I miss them all terribly.

If Lacee Ellis ever reads this, I want her to know how much of a blessing it is that she's here and I at least am very familiar with one person. She's great you guys! SO kind hearted and I love her.

It's hard wanting to go eat when there's no one to go eat with, so I've just been eating a Nutella sandwich in my dorm and drinking Diet Coke (I'm Satan).

Here's the beautiful sunset. I really wanted to load it on Instagram, however it kept glitching me out, so here it is :)

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